The Lèi tái, is a raised fighting platform, without railings, where often fatal weapons and bare-knuckle martial arts tournaments were once held. "Sanctioned" matches were presided over by a referee on the platform and judges on the sides. Fighters would lose if they surrendered, were incapacitated, were thrown or otherwise forced from the stage. The winner would remain on the stage (as its "owner") unless ousted by a stronger opponent. If there were no more challengers, they would become the champion. Private duels on the stage had no rules and were sometimes fought to the death.
"Source From Wikipedia"
Even though, it is risky, but that is the only way to truly determine what martial styles and which fighters are more effective.
Today our society will not accept no rules tournament, yet we accept casualties of war.Is that crazy or what? There are risk in extreme sport. When two individuals want to risk their lives to prove something they believe in, i say let them do it