
Show business?

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okay so i really love acting and would love to get in to show business, but before i do i have sooo many questions.

Whats SAG? Do you need to be part of it? Would it help?

How do i get a work permit from my school? Is it hard?

How do i find adutions in San Diego without giving away too much personal information? Is signing up on websites the right thing?

Is it safe to give out your phone number or should I stick with e-mail? Could i lose chances by doing that?

Talent agents? Does a starting out actress need one? If so how do you get one?

What about money? I heard you have to set up a seprate acount at your bank... Deatils?

Any other helpful tips would be great thank you SOOO much!

oh and if your just gonna up me down and tell me that millions of teens try, im aware of that. oh and ill report you =)

Thanks =)




  1. go to and

    for everythign youw ill ever need to know about acting and agents etc.

    hope i helped but the answers arent gonna pop rite infront of you you ahve to look around on the site

  2. SAG gets you into the real auditions.  The tv shows you watch and the movies that are in theaters.  You cant really get into SAG until you've worked on a few legit sets and thats hard to do.  also once you are SAG you can't work anything that isnt SAG, and obviously in SAG you're competing with all the professional/famous/talented people.  so your chances of getting work are less, and you have to pay SAG dues every year.  This is not something you want to pursue at this time.  Do student films and non-union independent films.  Look on craigslist, backstage, and actorsaccess for auditions.  Do not use exploretalent or any site that will claim to get you great jobs.  You have to separate the ones that are like newspapers with listings that charge a small subscription fee; from the ones that are scamming you.  Any site, company or person claiming to be able to act as an agent and get you work is a scam.  No legit agent will ever ask for money upfront, they only take a small percentage of what you book.  Agents are near impossible to get with no experience.  You need great headshots and a resume with some experience.  When you get some more experience you can buy the Ross Reports which list all agencies addresses and send your stuff out.  But you rarely hear back.  Include your email AND phone on the resume but NEVER your home address.

    I dont know what you're referring to with a seperate bank account.

    This is what you need to do now: school plays. independent and smaller films.  google san diego theaters and look on craigslist for films, and use the other sites i listed if you want- check and make sure they cover your region first.  find some afterschool or summer acting classes locally and take those.  start researching college acting programs, because that is the key to success.  you MUST start small and work your way up slowly but surely.  theres no other easier way.  good luck

  3. i have the same dream..

  4. you can find all the info you need here:hollywood-opportunities(dotcom). plus you can look for acting jobs.
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