
Show coat question?

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I am showing in a 4H show tomorrow and they will not allow you to go with out a coat. The problem is the only coat I have is WAY too big and it hides my position and is like a giant box. The other is my mom's old one and it is a little too small, but not like button busting or anything. I can still two point and ride (we are only jumping 2ft). I was wondering, should I go with the large one and fit it with pins? (If so, how?I tried and I can't seem to get it to fit because the show coat is thick!) or the slightly smaller one? Please help! This is driving me crazy!




  1. well my hunt coat was way too big 4 me too. but my mom took it in in the back and sewed it and now it fits just fine :))

  2. If ou can function  in the smaller coat, use the smaller one.

  3. I would go with the slightly smaller one if it shows off your position better.

    if it makes you feel any better, I squeezed into a size 10 show coat last year when i normally take a 14/16. due to the fact that I was letting my friend use my bigger show coat, and all i had other than that was a size 10 dressage coat that barley fit me when i was 9 (well it fit, but it was fitted then..haha). It ended up actually being fine for the day, didn't pop any buttons and it didn't look too bad.

  4. Are you able to test them both out in the saddle first to see how they look and feel.  You will need to have the larger one more professionally altered to have it look ok.  They are so fitted it will be hard to alter it without actually cutting it because it is think and so fitted.

    Otherwise, have a great show.  You will do great!

  5. If you're mom knows about sewing see if she can alter it.  As far as just taking away part of the girth of the jacket... she could probably put darts in it (sewing term) she'll know what they are.  If she can't alter it, then I would suggest using the smaller one.
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