
Show me a Cubs fan who says he isn't nervous about losing 5 or their last 6...?

by Guest57167  |  earlier

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...and I'll show you a liar. (oh this is supposed to be a question)





  1. Are they going to DIE in July

  2. Yeah, it must be awful to be a Cubs fan.  Go Cards

  3. Cards fan living in Chicago and the Cub fans are hanging onto the ledges right now thinking about jumping. Two days ago they were talking about buying 'rights to buy world series tickets' now the sky is falling. Can't help but laugh a little.

  4. Oh, C'mon.

    Cub fans are used to their "El Foldo" teams.

    When the going gets tough, the Cubbies fold.

    Of course, it is always that silly goat's fault.

  5. yes! i am nervous only a game ahead of the brewers when not too long ago we were 51/2 and 5 games up on the cards and brewers

  6. i have been saying all season that they are not going to make the playoffs. I thought the Brewers would run away with the division and that some NL east team would win the wild card...but i didnt think the Cardinals would be so strong this year either. If i am wrong when the season ends, i will admit it.

    To answer your question...yes they should be scared

  7. I agree, and it can't feel too good to see the Brewers on their 6 game winning streak with Sabathia, Sheets then Parra pitching next for them...this could easily be the week the Crew takes the lead.

    Add: they just took 2 of 2 against the Cards in a 4 game series that has Sabathia then Sheets pitching next. Not to Jinx the Crew, but it feels pretty good to be a Brewers fan right now.

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