
Show member list - What does "Change Settings" mean?

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If I change the Web Tools setting for membership to "Members (members view profiles; moderators can view profiles/change settings)" What does "Change Settings" mean? Does this mean that every member can change membership settings for any other member or what??? I want to allow all of the membership to VIEW each other's yahoo ID but I don't want to allow every member to be a "moderator" when it comes to member settings!




  1. Don't worry - even if you set it to Members, other members won't be able to change the settings of any other member.  It just means that Moderators can still change the settings for any members (like they can if you were to select Moderators Only), but that ordinary members can only view the profiles of other members; ordinary members won't be able to change other members' settings even if you set this to Members.

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