Okay, so I know lots of people get fed up with all the name questions on here, but this is just a theoretical naming situation and I just wanted ideas.
I don't have a horse. I'm just curious as to show names people like and call/barn names to go with them. The call/barn name would have to match the show name, eg a horse called Daisy Chain would have the call name Daisy. (not a very good show name I know, but just an example LOL).
I'm just interested in how good people are at naming horses. I, personally, am useless at thinking of names, and I know heaps of you guys are good, and every now and then while I'm browsing the name questions I see really good ones, and now I want to see more!
So, if you are any good, could you please list show names, then possible call/barn name(s). Also could you say if there are for a mare or a stallion/gelding. And, if they are for a specific breed, colour or marking, mention that too