
Show pigs???

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Does the coloring of a cross pig influence a judge one way or another when showing? The cross I have has a white body with duroc colored head and ham. This is some what of an unusual coloring for pigs at our county fair...but the judge is usually not from here. Thanks for the help.




  1. It sounds as if you may have a Yorkshire x Duroc cross.  The York will offer good maternity traits in this cross.  A good judge will not be influenced by the color markings except as John mentioned when you may be working with purebreds.  The judge should be looking for breed characteristics and phenotypes and how true the animal follows frame and muscling aspects.

    You can read about these and several other breeds at the following sight:

  2. The only way coloring would enter into the judging would be in a purebred class. If it is just judging the best pig, regardless of breed, then the cross or coloring should not make any difference.
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