
Show that the equation for the stopping distance of a car is d = vt - v^2/2a?

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Show that the equation for the stopping distance of a car is d = vt - v^2/2a

v = initial velocity

d = stopping distance

t = reaction time

a = acceleration (negative)

How do u prove this???!




  1. given that

    1) d = v(avg)t

    2) v(avg) = (vi+vf)/2   where vi= initial vel, vf=final vel

    3) a = (vf-vi)/t

    sub eq 2 into eq 1


    expand brackets

    d=vit/2 +vft/2    (lets call this eq. 4)

    solve eq 3 for vf

    vf= vi+at

    and sub this into eq 4

    d=vit/2 + (vi+at)t/2

    expand brackets

    d=vit/2 +vit/2 + at^2/2


    d= vit+1/2at^2

    hmmm.. this isn't what you have... are you sure you don't have a typo in your formula?

  2. if driver sees the object at t=0

    and applies breaks at t=t

    then reaction time = t


    at t=0, velocity =v

    kept moving with v for time = t

    s1 = vt = distance covered

    decelerated with (a) from t=t and stopped after covering (s2)

    vf^2 = v^2 + 2 a [s2]

    when stops vf=0

    s2 = - v^2/2a

    d = stopping distance = s1+s2 = vt - v^2/2a

  3. Actually the equation is:

    d = vt + v²/2μa

    where μ is the effective coefficient of friction between the tires and the road.

    Use the conservation of energy. The car's initial kinetic energy is ½mv², and it's final kinetic energy is 0. The energy to stop the car is μ*m*a*d.

    μ*m*a*d = ½mv²

    d = v²/2μa = distance traveled after breaks applied

    Total distance traveled:

    d = vt + v²/2μa

    I don't know why you have "- v²/2a." Although the car is decelerating, it's still traveling in the same direction.

    EDIT: Correction. Ignore the "μ" in the equation. The effective coefficient of friction is already factored into the deceleration.

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