
Showing but I'm the groom :)?

by  |  earlier

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on the 25th August I'm going to be a groom at a really really big show, the owner says its not a mickey mouse contests its the chance of a life time. the problem is i have never been to one as a groom and don't know what to wear?? could you guys help??

i think its at cricksade show or somewhere along the lines of that in England.




  1. well as a groom.. you arent expected to dress up. im a groom for my equestrian team and i where jeans and a cut off

    i would just wear jeans, barn boots, and a shirt you wont get too hot in, they dont expect grooms to look good, just to make the horse look good :)

    hope this helps you

  2. You don't need to dress up super fancy; as the groom, you're going to be dealing with dirt all day.  I'd wear jeans with a polo shirt and paddock boots.

  3. Wear a nice pair of jeans that you don't mind getting dirty, but that are presentable. A polo is always a good option for a shirt as long as its a plain color (preferably barn colors but its not a must). Wear rubber muck boots or waterproof paddock boots, something to keep your feet dry and warm. If you have it a plain fitted hoodie/sweatshirt/windbreaker should be acceptable. When ever I groom I usually take a small hoof pick and take a small piece of something like bailing twine and tie it in a quick release knot to my belt its small enough so it doesn't get in the way, and the hoof picks are always the first thing to go missing! carry a towel with you to wipe dust off boots,/horses faces/bridle last minuit if needed before they enter the show ring. You might be assigned to a certain horse or have to work with several horses, so your going to need to be able to move quick. You will be expected to know the class times, what horses will need to be tacked and when, and if there is an order, what it is. You might also have to retrieve courses so the riders can learn them. Its loads of hard work but its fun!

  4. You don't want to look fancy like you are SHOWING but you don't want to look like you've been shoveling barns all day. Wear some good jeans- not to fancy though- and boots and a t shirt. Keep your hair out of the way tho. I have had problems with my hair getting in the way... And make sure you have all you need!

  5. just wear like riding pants and a tee shirt  

  6. Well, since you're going as a groom it would probably be good to wear jeans (not your fancy ones but a little nicer than your barn bum ones), boots (steel toed as you will be around horses quite a bit) and a t-shirt of some sort (perhaps with the logo for the stable you're grooming for?).  Remember that when grooming at a show you are the employee of the owner and therefore must do your best to act in a way that reflects positively on both horse and owner/rider.  Good luck!

  7. Cricklade Show, lol that is quite big, iv only ever been once :S lol anyway:

    Wear smart casual so white/creme or canary joddies,. joddy boots and half chaps or leather boots.

    Wear a shirt, either a plain polo shirt or a blouse you would wear for school and finally, have your hair up in a plat or a pony tail if it is too short to plat.

    All you will have to do is groom the horses and get them ready on time for their particular class.

    Fill up buckets of water, make sure the cooler rugs are out for when they get back and things like that.

    You may have to prepare haynets hor them for the return journey but that depends.

    The person in charge will tell you what to do so make sure your absolutly clear on what you have to do and do it.

    make sure you know where everything is so you can easily find it and your not flapping about pannicing because you cant find your brushes!

    Finally keep calm, have fun and learn from everything you see.

    There will be some nice horses there so it will be very nice for you to see them all and they way they behave etc.

    Good Luck!

  8. okay.

    this is to the first anwser.

    never wear steel toe boots around horses.

    im sure a 1000 lb animal could break through the steel.

    and the steel could cut off a toe.

    that wouldnt be good.

    I would wear paddock boots.

    A decent shirt. Not an old grimy one, but not a nice new one.

    Just a plain t-shirt.

    jeans, or breeches, even though your not riding.


    good luck!!

  9. Ask the owner. He or she may have barn colors or shirts they want you to wear to represent their barn.  

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