
Shrimp care?

by  |  earlier

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can i put cherry shrimp, or any other shrimp in a 1/2 gallon tank? if so, how many, and would they be okay with no waterflow, just some plants in a heated tank (about 78 degrees...) i dont have a filter for this size tank, is their any substitute or any type of homemade filter that i can put into the tank to help the shrimp?




  1. A half a gallon is not enough water to be a permanent home for any underwater creature.  I don't think you should try it.  Get a larger tank; they're not expensive.  You can pick up a ten gallon aquarium at Walmart for ten dollars and some change.  And wouldn't it be nice to give your pets some space to swim around?

  2. Taking a bit of sponge media intended for the inside of filters, cutting a hole in the middle, and inserting a PVC pipe into it will give you an easy, cheap sponge filter.  All you have to do from there is drop an air stone into the PVC pipe and allow the rising bubbles to create a vacuum inside the pipe, drawing water through the sponge.  This will aerate the water and allow the nitrifying bacteria a home.  A half gallon tank shouldn't be a problem for a few RCS, but if they begin to breed, be prepared to start selling some adults!
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