
Shrimps or not. marines?

by  |  earlier

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in my new marine tank i need to build up the bacteria, i have 3 chromis and a hermit crab should i get a couple of cleaner shrimp then that ll do for 6 weeks. tank size 190L filters i am using;

Eheim cannisters; classic and proffessional 2, both 1000 l/hr.

a powerhead 3200 l/hr, a powerhead 1200 l/hr, 2 internal filters 750 l/hr each (1 has carbon inside) spray bar, heater T5 tubes. my nitrite is just going up so bacteria is starting to work the PH is 7.8 and salinity 21. i am just concerned that the fish pick up the meagre rashons that i am putting in.... shrimp or not




  1. Do NOT add cleaner shrimp at this point. The hemit will eat just about anything they find, including the chromiss' poo. Just take it slow and refrain from adding anything else for a few weeks.

  2. Not sure I understand completely. However, your tank is still cycling, and putting more life in there is putting the life at risk.

    Your flow looks good for your tank size at 4400 / 190, so thats's good. Your T5s sound OK particularly if you're not going to be having any SPS coral.  

    I personally like my pH and Sg a little, 8.1-8.2 and 1.026, but with a Fish only tank that is less concern.

    Personally I am a big fan of live rock in the tank and a protein skimmer in a sump/refugium tank beneath your display tank. Most reefers find this works bettter than mechanical filtration. Your size tank would do well with 40 pounds of good live rock for biological filtration, plus some macro algae like Chaetomorph in the sump. You can ususally find someone getting out of the hobby and get it cheaply.  

    Since you're already going through a cycle, you should really consider doing this now and phasing out the Eheims. Or get some live rock in the tank and just use the Eheims for carbon/phosban /nitrate removal bags.

    Please don't put in any more bioload until your levels stabilize.

    And water change, water change, water change during the cycle to keep your fishy friends alive. Dilution is the solution to the pollution!

    "Fish are our friends. "

    Don't kill 'em.

  3. If your tank is not fully cycled the shrimp will molt and die in 2 days the are very sensitive to water peramiters

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