
Shrink clothes[make them smaller]??=/?

by  |  earlier

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i haev a couple of shirts that i LOVE!!..but they're a little big on me [they're cotton].

i heard that of you put them in the drying machine they will shrink...but what about if they're not 100% cotton..some of them are only lik 95% cotton??..will they still shrink??..n how am i supposed to do it??

n oh yea when i wash them again[after i shrink them]..will they go back to their original size or will they stay the same??

thanks =]




  1. Your 100% cotton shirt will definintly shrink if it doesn't say it was pre-shrunk..Some higher quality garment makers plan for this..

    Your 95% shirt might..depends on what the other 5 % is.. If it is rayon definitly will and the cotton and the rayon might shrink at different rates..Don't put rayon in the dryer.. If it is polyester..might not ..or might shrink just a little...  I would dry on warm not hot and see what happens.. shrinking happens when a garment is completely dried..  If you take it out when it is still damp it won't shrink.. but it will make the fabric soft and take wrinkles out.. Good luck!

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