
Shrinky Dinks decorating help?!?

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So I just got some shrinky dink sheets and I'm wondering if I can use regular ball point pens on them? Or would I need to use a fine point black Sharpie?

Also.... I've colored them with colored pencils, and I'm wondering if the little white patches that I couldn't quite cover over will go away after I shrink (stick my designs in the oven) them?

And when you leave the shrinky dinks plain (say, you don't color a certain part at all) does it come out clear or white?





  1. They're white when baked, and you have to use permanent ink.

  2. You can use all kinds of materials (permanent or not) on shrink plastics... they will generally become permanent after shrinking and heating.

    As for the little white patches, if they're small enough they will "disappear" but if you didn't pre-sand your plastic sheets (both directions) before applying color, you'll want to do that to create tooth so that whatever you're applying can cover better.

    Shrink plastics come in various brands and lines (Shrinky Dink is just one brand)... most will end up "white" after shrinking if they're not colored on, but some will end up translucent or transparent, or even come pre-colored.  Look on the package to see which you have, or shrink a small test piece to find out.

    I assume you could use ball point pen ink on shrink plastics (as long as there's enough tooth to hold them, and they may smear if touched before baking because they're a slow-drying ink), but these sites will give you lots more info about using shrink plastics in all kinds of ways including possible colorants to use, if you want to check them first:"s...

    P.S.  You can also shrink other plastics you can find around as well as purchased sheets.  If you're interested in those, check out this page as well:

    ( on the subcategory called SHRINKING plastics, under the Shrinking, Melting, Slumping Plastics category)


    Diane B.

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