
Shrooms and marijuana?

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what are the long term side effects of these so called "natural" drugs?




  1. i dont know much on this but here is a site i found

    i also added u as a contact hope you dont mind. I wasnt spying on you but i was browsing through your answers and questions and i  think you're very interesting

  2. There are no long term side effects of either marijuana or psychedelic mushrooms. I've done plenty of both.

    The effects of smoking anything are lung damage. As far as hallucinogens  go there seem to be no long term problems either. This doesn't mean you can't have a bad experience at the time you are taking them, but they go away.

    I have smoked marijuana for 35 years and managed to get three college degrees including a Masters. During the 70's and 80's I can say without a doubt that I took thousands of hits of premium LSD. (Dealer? Hmmm) At one point I took 150 in a one month period and up to ten at a time. Remember, however that I was an experienced and constant user. Don't go out and try to do this the first time.

    In the 60's they used to tell us in school that you would get "Flashbacks" where later in life you would suddenly be under the effects of the LSD you had taken. It never happened. I was kind of looking forward to it. Sort of a two for one deal. I pictured myself old and in a nursing home when suddenly I'd be tripping like the old days. too bad.

    The people that make these drugs illegal simply use different ones like alcohol and cigarettes. Think what could happen if weed was legalized, produced by the tobacco companies, and sold in the same manner as alcohol. A pack of joints would cost no more for the companies to produce than cigs and the government could put a $20 per pack tax on it. The tobacco companies make their money, you get good weed at a fair price, and we would now have enough money to pay off the national debt and ensure that all Americans have free health care and Social Security. It is a trillion dollar industry. I'm surprised they haven't found a way to get their hands on a piece of the pie.

  3. .......check this site out.....    .........if you poke around from the home page of that site I am sure that you can find detailed unbiased iformation about long term marijuana use effects also.........personally.....I have only known one person who suffered effects from long term LSD usage....he used to do a couple placidils (like Qualudes).....and a couple hits of acid.....I don't know how long for sure that he engaged in this activity but I saw him working a remedial job awhile back and he had a severe stuttering problem.......poor Robert.....I suspect it was the barbituates and not the  acid that perpetuated this problem.....I have heard of people that have permanant vision like the LSD experience where they see frozen bizarre colors or intricate designs in EVERYTHING...all the time.......I have had a few flashbacks ....years ago........not severe....not 18 hours......but these were from synthetic chemicals........and not thqat bad aof a side effect...but I only experimented for a couple years.......probably less than 30 or 40 times......I doubt  that the " shrooms" are going to do much permanant damage unless your eating   grocery sacks full of luck on THAT ).....the pot has a lot of things like cigarettes that can do alot of damage to your depends on HOW MUCH?......but why listen to me?....I'm not a medical professional.......while I  AM for legalization of marijuana.....check out the Erowid's VERY good....."remember boys & girls ......just because a substance is "from the earth' or "organic".....that it might not be OK to put it in your mouth"........toadstools are from the earth , AND  are cousins to the "magic mushrooms"..........and they can kill once worked with a Muslim guy ( not a terrorist) anmed Al that was sick for three days , throwing his guts up......because he tried to eat some of the "mushrooms" from his back yard.........I'm just saying............
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