
Shrotboard vs funboard?

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i am 5'1/2" and i weigh 121lbs, i am really good at my 7" soft top and would like to get a smaller board. I can pop up on my foamie and stuff but it is just too stiff, i want a looser board that i can actually be able to do cutbacks and a board that has more speed. I am looking at the NSP 6'8" funboard, the BIC 6'7" shortboard and the NSP 6'6" shortboard. they all look like great boards but i would like to know which would be the best for me. I would like to get a shortboard but whatever is best i'll get. Thank so much guys.

cheers Daniel

ps: no bad comments to BIC and NSP due to there materials




  1. I don't think anyone's answer will change because you ask the same question 3 different times. Good luck, Daniel.

  2. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't go straight for a shortboard. You will end up doing so eventually anyway so you'll be saving yourself some money.

    If I was you I'd go for a better make but geta  second hand one. That way you have a much better board, but you don't need to worry about damaging it.

    Try going to a surf shop and asking them, I'm sure they'll be able to hook you up.

  3. it also depends on your surfing experience. If your a beginner, I would go with the NSP funboard. If your trying to switch to a shortboard, I would go with the NSP shortboard.

  4. Surfammo and I are of one mind on this topic. No matter how many times you ask the question, you will get the same answer.

    Bic & NSP are made of two dissimilar types of materials, but neither one has any real merit as a surfboard. You get what you pay for.

    If you were good enough, you could surf on a slab of plywood, but that doesn't mean that that Georgia Pacific Lumber company is ever going to produce top quality surfboards.

    And don't be embarassed if you don't have much money, and you think that is all you can afford. There are always good used boards out there.

  5. Hi Daniel,

    am with John and surfammo here in regards to materials of those boards not great for surfing at all.

    In regards to dimensions of your next board though, I would look into a funboard, however 6'7 is pretty large! if you are confident on a 7'0 softboard, then look into a mid to low 6ft range of fun boards. this will allow you to draw some nice lines on the board and not be held back by having a lot of length.

    Funboards are a good stepping stone. They are shaped with less rocker, more width and a bit more volume than a short/performance board. This allows you to get on a wave earlier and is a little easier to pop up on when in transition. Once you have the funboard down pat, start testing a few short boards until you find the dimensions that suit your style.

    Good luck, and enjoy.


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