
Shud i make my son wear his glasses at school?

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shud i make my son wear his glasses at school




  1. This is really a question you should ask the optometrist. He's the one who understands best your son's needs, and can advise you on how often glasses are necessary. All of my boys have needed to wear their glasses as much as possible. Without them, their eyesight will get worse, so the only time they can take them off is sleeping. The opt was really kind and understood the needs of a young boy, and said that he could talk them off for the trampoline or wrestling, but to limit that time to less than half hour increments.

  2. My granddaughter had to wear glasses at three years old and her parents decided she would never be made to feel different for wearing them.

    She is twenty now and looks gorgeous, she still wears glasses and has never had problems with any of her peers because she wears glasses.

    It also does depend on what the optician said if your son has to wear them all the time to strengthen his eyes or only for reading.

  3. yeah, but let him take them of at recess and p.e.

  4. you should for your spelling

  5. Depends how is his vision effected sweets, does he need them just to see far away or does he need them to read.  Any way just think of how it will affect his learning.  Now if he wont wear them maybe he just doesn't need them all the time.  Also his age is a factor, is he old enough to realize his vision may affect how he reads or sees things?  By the way for the comment on your spelling, people are just stupid and don't know how to answer a question correctly I think we call those people jack asses although I could be thinking of something else.

  6. If the Optician says it is necessary then you should make sure he wears them.

  7. if he needs to yes of course

  8. Talk to him about it and talk to his teacher about it.  In the end, he will decide, and he will wear them if he really needs to.  If he is being teased about his glasses, see if his teacher can arrange a session explaining about how we are all different and we all need some extra support sometimes to do the things we need to do.

  9. of,course!! sometimes not wearing them can cause headaches, making it hard to concentrate!!

  10. Not being able to see leads to stupidity.

    I got my first pair of glasses when I was 3 years old. I can't image how horrible my life would be without the ability to see.

    If your child can't see, he can't learn.

  11. h**l no way, make him wear your moms, he will soon want to wear his own after that

  12. absolutely..! in school your child has to read things off of the board or whatever and if he can't see those things how is he goin to get his work done? soo yes he should..!

  13. Yes. You should. His glasses are needed to help him see correctly. Additionally, not wearing his glasses could affect his academic performance in a negative way.

  14. I would say yes becasue that is where he needs them most, but one alternative is to get him contacts but he seems to be young for that kind of spending

  15. Sure he should my 4 yr old daughter does too. My 3rd son (who wears them too) actually was speech delayed because he couldn't see me speak to form words. I swear I didn't even see him squint so screen for vision early they do have ways of telling early. It sounds like you did let him wear them.

  16. if he has a problem with seeing things far away then yes because if he doesn't it will turn more severe. if a problem with seeing near thhings than while doing his work.

  17. Yes, my son is nearly 6 and as soon as we found out he needed glasses he wore them every day - he has no problems with it, it is better for his eyes as they don't have to strain to see.

  18. why on earth would you not make him wear them? If he doesn't his eyes will get worse, he'll get headaches, he won't be able to see stuff.

    If he's older (teenager) you could get him contacts lenses if it's a vanity thing - but really I think most kids think glasses are cool, specially if you get him trendy ones.

    You are the adult, so act like one!

  19. yes!!!

  20. yes because there is nothing worse than not being able 2 read the board

  21. Most likley the answer would be yes. To be sure if it is completley nessecary I would go back to the optomatrist that perscribed his glasses to him and ask him/ her the same question.

    Also, don't pay any attention to the ignorant people that make stupid remarks instead of trying to be helpfull and simply answering a question that you asked. Most of those jerks just do that so they can add a couple of quick points.

      I hope my answer was of some help! Good luck to you and your family!!

  22. Does he need them all of the time? Even if he just needs them for reading, it's usually a good idea. I send my daughter - who is 5 - with her glasses and case and tell her that it's okay to take them off at recess but to leave them on all other times to avoid losing them.

  23. He should wear them. he will get head aches and his vision will become worse and worse.

    Try to find glasses that he likes to wear.

  24. Hi. well, its up to you really as a parent, but i would say YES. This is because when i was younger i had to wear glasses, and for about a year when i joined Secondary School, i stopped. You might not want him too because you might think he will get teased, but you can get fashionable glasses, like Harry Potter, if he likes that.

    If he doesn't wear them his eyesight might get worse, so squinting, will lead to wrinkles around the eyes in about 20/30 years time.

  25. He needs them for a reason. Either to see distance (most likely at his age) or to read (less likely in a young person)

    NOT wearing them will adversely affect his vision and his school work will suffer.

    Are you being vain on his behalf? Vanity by proxy?

  26. Yes.  Obviously!

  27. you should so that he can see the board

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