
Shutting down computer or leaving it on? Which is more cost and energy efficient?

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Shutting down computer or leaving it on? Which is more cost and energy efficient?




  1. I agree with Running.    But how often do you ever wear out a computer?   I've seen TRS-80's and Commodore 64's still working.    Within a year or two most computers are out of date, so who cares if their usefull life is shortened from 20 to 15 years.

  2. when you are done for the day turn it off

  3. Definitely shut it down.  The wear and tear at startup is very minor.  You'll replace your computer for technological reasons before it physically wears out.

  4. Shut it down and flip the power bar off.

  5. I believe from an energy stand point, it is always better to shut down the computer if it is to be idle for a long time, like hours.  

    The counter argument is that each time the computer is S/U and S/D, the hard disc and other components go through a bit of wear and tear, more than just in operating mode.  

    In my opinion, the older the computer, the higher the benefit to shut down the system.  Or, as a compromise, shut down the monitor at least.


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