
Shuvit problem?

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whenever i shuvit the board landsa foot ahead of me i jump straight forward and push the board back it always lands ahead of me ps i ride goofy




  1. seem as though your goofy lean more to your front foot (in your case your right) when you shove it then quickly as the other end goes up tap its straight back down when it s directly below your foot also when your trying to land do you try to land in the goofy stance because when you shove it most people land in the opposite stance then when they were pushing off.

  2. are you trying them rolling?if your not trying them rolling then that could be why because i find that when i learn new tricks it helps to learn them rolling firs because there easier that way.

    dont use your front foot to push the board around because smetimes that can cause it to shoot out,use your back foot to scoop it around and just hover your front foot over the board when you scoop it

  3. Im goofy also and when you shove-it    which ever way the board spins jump towards it.


    spins left - jump to the left

    spins right - jump to the right

    youll get it
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