
Shy guys, help me understand how to handle guy not emailing?

by  |  earlier

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We have been flirting about 5 months, but never been able to say more than "Hi". The other day I got up my courage (but still acted really nervous) and asked him if I could take him out and talk to him about something he knows about. He immediately said "Sure", and when I said I'd be back sometime to get his email, he took charge and gave me his own. I sent an email later that day because I wasn't sure I remembered the provider part. I've been waiting for almost a week for a reply?

Do you think I did too much too fast? How do I fix it?




  1. well u bein nervous isnt a gd thing uno just think in years to come u will forget wotever he says if it comes to the worse so just say

  2. Talk to him again.  If his shy, then he probably thinks this i a prank. reassure him this is not so, do it in a subtle way though.

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