
Siamese blowling bubbles, is that normal?

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My siamese fighter always seem to enjoy blowing bubbles. Is this normal? Or is something wrong with the tank his in?




  1. Male bettas blow bubbles to create bubble nests.  Bettas use bubble nests to breed, with the males squeezing the eggs out of the female and placing them in the nest where he will guard them until they hatch.  It's completely normal for him to make one--it's an instinct.  It doesn't mean he's READY to breed, however.

  2. It really means it is healthy and normal, really for action, it it doesn't blow, it could be sick or old and weak.

  3. no. Siamese fighting fish blows bubble nest. its perfectly normal

  4. Oh, great! Completely normal for a betta. (Siamese fighter.) You betta is readying himself for a mate. This means he is healthy! Congrats to you. :) Male bettas will blow what's called a bubble nest and await a mate to come.

    The bubble nest is used to store the fertilized eggs the female drops on the bottom of the tank.

    The more bubble blowing, the better. Older bettas tend to stop blowing bubbles, as they are out of their breeding years, but not all.

    Good luck! Please email me if you have any other quesions on your betta. I am a fellow betta owner/lover/breeder lol. I answer everyone's betta questions.

    Male bettas can get depressed from not having a mate because they are highly intelligent fish. I suggest getting him a little mirror for the size of the tank. Bettas love these and it gives them something to terrorize and flare at lol!

  5. I thought at first you meant a cat! hahaha. I'm such a dork. I've never heard that before but I think he's fine.  

  6. It's normal, he is making a bubble nest.

    BTW most people on this forum call the siamese fighter 'betta'.

  7. It IS normal ...

    It is a breeding behavior, but it's also a "boredom" behavior.

    A male betta will do that, just because he can ..... or because he's got nothing better to do.  Sometimes, they will cover the entire surface of their bowl with bubbles!

    No, nothing is wrong.  But, your Betta might be bored ... consider adding a "play" ornament to his tank or bowl ... one of those things that bobs around, such as a glass ornament ... or a bubbler ... they LOVE those!

    Bettas are wonderful, smart, and GORGEOUS fish ... they are SO adaptable to many conditions, too ... have fun with yours!

  8. He's blowing a bubble nest. Its normal. It means he's relaxed and ready to mate.

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