We have two indoor Bengal cats and an outdoor Husky. Occasionally we let the Husky indoors to spend time with us and the cats. One of the cats, Koshi, seems completely comfortable with the Husky and goes up to it and tries to play with it. The other cat, Rajah, stays away from the dog, but does not leave the room. If the dog approaches Rajah he will hiss and try to bat our dog. Yesterday we let our Husky in and tried to get her to calm down and watch a movie with us and the cats. The dog didn't stay put but kept running around and exploring. Then I noticed that one of the cats had peed on the couch. This is abnormal for the cats to pee on our furniture. Sometimes they pee in certain spots of the house but never on the furniture. Then today, Rajah threw up his food which he ate this morning. Do you think the dog stressed him out and he was the one who peed? Anyone have any ideas as to what could be going on? We want to spend more time with our Husky indoors but we don't want to do so if it is freaking out one of our cats.