
Siberian Husky Question?

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My Siberian Husky has been bred, and we just received 2 malamute / wolf pups. She has attacked them both on seperate times. Though she doesn't hurt other pups that are here.. Just these 2. We have seperated them, but when she does have a chance to go near them she is growling.. The other pups that are here are pom mixes, and she loves them.. Huskys in general do play rough, but I don't know if she is showing them who is boss?? Or just cranky due to the fact she is pregnant? She was bred on the 15 and 17 of August.. I didin't remember the signs showing this quick?




  1. Maybe she just doesn't like them? You never know, dogs can be like humans. Like some kids, hate others. Could it have anything to do with the fact that they are part wolf? I doubt it, but maybe. If she's attacking them, I doubt she's playing and I'd keep them separate.

  2. Was she raised with the Pom mixes? Who came first, her or them?

    She is likely asserting her dominance over the young dogs; this is something she should be allowed to do, unless she is seriously trying to harm them. If she is, you need to think about doing one of the things I suggested the *last* time you asked this question: keeping them separated, or placing the puppies.

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