
Sibling problems ???? best answer 10 points .

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ok well ,

i have an older brother by two years ,,

and me and him never get along..

i really want to get along with him because hes the only brother that i have , and i do have cousin but i am never really close to them at all ,

so how can i get along with him ??

we always fight , i feel like we both want attention from my mom and dad but i just want to get along , i feel like he hates me , i keep telling my mom but she just says its normal.

i play his video games when he asks me but still if he never gets his ways he just ignores me , i hate not getting along ,

hes always trying to get me in trouble, he barges in my room like its his , he pushes me when my parents arent looking if i try to push him back i get in trouble .

so that list could go on and on , so please help me ????????




  1. me and my sister are like that too we are 2 years apart and a lot of times she just gets pissed at me for no good reason. i usually just leave her alone and give her some space when this happens. then come back when they're in a better mood.

  2. well tell him and try to be nice to him and ignore him if he does something u don't like and u can make fun of his p***s

  3. oh!thats  why! close age. hmmm.. check what his inerests are. if you lijke do it with him. dont worry hel outgrow hating you.:)  

  4. yea wat he wants is more attention from ur parents so he feels he is the favorite. my advice. let ur parents give him the attention then maybe he will lay the fighting down hope i helped, and about my question- no i didnt do anything to make her act like that, she wants more attention from my mom so cuz she wants my mom to relieze shes right all the time.

  5. Your mom's right. Its normal me and my sister always do that to each other and we try to get each other in trouble but when somebody messes with me the way she does, she gets mad.

    I guess it the way some people love? dont worry your brother loves you. =)

  6. i'm fourteen and my brother is seventeen.

    we used to like HATE eachother. i know i used to hate him, and fear him. but earlier this year we found one common interest (hard partying) and since then we've had an amazingly close bond. when we became closer, at first it was just a mutual respect but slowely we found so much other stuff that we have in common.

    now him and i have the closest relationship than anyone else in our family.

    you've gotta sit down and talk or just slowley act nicer to him and eventually he'll get the hint and he'll start being nicer and it'll progress from there.

    trust me. being close with your older brother is probably one of the best things you'll ever do. they're so fun and it's really good to know that he'll always be there.

  7. The horrible truth is that you probably wont get along with him too well for a few more years...its nature unfortunately. I have an older brother and we fought ALOT as kids. Just know that it will get better eventually. I am very close to my brother now and we even laugh about the stupid things we did to each other as kids. Also know that as much as you both fight you do still love each other and if it came to would lay yourselves on the line for each other.  

  8. just try and talk to him and be nice to him and put up with it and if he upsets you just don't react and jsut don't get annoyed or anything when he tries to annoy you and get you into trouble because that will annoy him more you reacting like that is just giving him what he wants trust me i had the same problem with my sister. just play him at his own game. GET EVEN :D

    hope this helps

    good luck:)

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