
Sibling problems.. please help?!?

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My mom and my dad are divorced and I live with my mother.

when I was 12 she remarried to george, and he brought his 7 children.

my parents are 5 kids together, and my dad didn't want any to live with him.

so 12 kids live in my house.

4 boys, and 8 girls.

I am the second oldest, and I share a room with 3 other sisters [all under the age of 10].

my older sister [hilary] got her own room [the attic] when she was 15, and I am now 16 and I really NEED my own room.

we don't use the basement [except for laundry]... do you think I should talk to my parents about converting that to my bedroom?




  1. while there are advantages to you bunking in the same room as the younger sisters, you need your space. present the idea as a well-thought plan, showing all the pro's and con's of you staying or moving to the basement. more room for the three younger girls, more personal privacy for you, etc. make it well thought through, and let the parents know that.

  2. I feel sorry for you.

  3. Of course you should!

    Why not? Whats the worst that could happen, they could say no.

    Or better yet they ould say yes and youll have your own room and be happy.

    Just let them know how you feel (dont be rude or damaning) be polite and reasonable. :) They should understand where you are coming from.

    Some helpful ways to get what you looking for is be prepaired and ready.

    Say something like......Im having trouble managing in a room with three other girls i would like to talk to you about another option...give reasons why this would benifit you (better sleep better homeowrk enviroment ect) and why this would benifit them (less sibling arguments pressure and tension )

    Let them know you under stand this is a privilage and you will be responsible

  4. I had the same problem a few years ago. i reckon you should definitely talk to your parents about this, all you need are a few points and a bit of kindness to prove you deserve this room to yourself

  5. if you want your own room you have to talk to your parents about it otherwise you defiantly wont get

    so yes ask and see what they say what you got to loose

  6. yea

  7. differently!

    there is absolutely nothing you have to lose!

    make sure to catch your mom & stepdad in a good mood when asking, there is a better chance they will agree!

  8. I would talk to them about it.  Make sure you ask them respectfully and thoughtfully.  I don't recommend bringing your older sister into it though.  The "But she--" argument doesn't do well with parents, and it lessens your legitimate request.  Depending on your parents, you might not want to suggest the basement.  It might be more effective to just talk to them about the age difference between you and your younger sisters, and that you don't think it's good for them to be living with someone who's at such a different stage in life.  They're just kids, and you're a few years away from adulthood, and I'm sure your parents don't want your sisters maturing any quicker than they need to.  Just remember to be respectful!  Good luck. :]

  9. YES. Talk them into that. My friend had her parents convert her basement to her room and she looooveees it. It's so easy for her to sneak out. You can be really loud. Lots of space (depending). 12 kids in a house means they have to make all the rooms they can get. It's actually not smart to not convert it. I wish my room was in the basement =(

    Hope this helps

  10. yep, everyone needs privacy.

  11. sure :)

  12. Why not?

  13. omg yeah your a teen you need privacy from little kids. you deff should consider thee basment as an option, i sure as h**l would!


  14. Well if you want to be alone sure but its up to you, crazy situation!!

  15. I'd talk to them. you're a teenager you need your own space, worse case maybe you could move in the attic with your older sister??

  16. yep! you should!

  17. if you need space yes

  18. Go for it. But keep in mind, a lot of the kids will soon all want their own spaces so try to just ease into it you know.

  19. why not since your sister got the attic at the age of 15. I believe your parents will understand if you communicate your  concerns to them. just be frank and tell them you need your equilibrium and to achieve that rooming with 3 other little sisters(whom you love) is not accomplishing that for you.  Good Luck!

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