I'm sorry if there are other post's like this, but I get too overwhelmed researching and reading things.
For 3 days now she has not been eating her food, both wet and dry. She has been vomiting everyday (several times)- and as it seems it comes after she does eat. She also looks as if shes in pain when she moves sometimes, although, she is not moving a lot.
We haven't brought her to a vet, although we can, but it's very hard for my parents (money & time wise.) And I'm also afraid of what may come out of bringing her...
So in the mean time, I've been tring to make her comfortable. I got her to drink a bit today, and she seemed pleased when she did, so shes obviously dehydrated. I also have been tring to get her to eat, although she refuses everything (from Chicken, to special kitty treats.) I just went out and got her some of the Pet Grass from the store which I suppose help's with the digestion, and she nibbled on that. About 10 minutes later, she vomited it all up.
I'm so scared for my kitty, I love her to death. Does anyone know what could be wrong with her, or how I can help her for the time being?