
Sick Hamster! Please respond...?

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I have a dwarf hamster that is about 4 or 5 months old. He is normally very active and inquisitive, and yesterday he was running about as normal, and eating and drinking fine. But today he has been very still, he seems tired and cold, and he won't really open his eyes. We have been trying to keep him warm and he has responded a bit by taking some water and opening his eyes a little bit, but there is definitely something wrong with him. He does not have a wet tail which I've read about as being a very serious symptom. His bedding and cage is kept very clean... We will certainly be taking him to see a vet in the morning, but for tonight, does anyone have any experience with this kind of thing?? Any suggestions?




  1. Yes there does seem to be something wrong, there is not much you can do tonight, except  you need to keep him warm and in a quiet and dark place, this will keep him relaxed and not stress him out. Good luck with the vet tommorrow.


  3. make sure to stay up and keep him warm. you will have to hand feed him water with an eye dropper every 2-3 hours to ensure he is getting enough water. he may be drinking but not enough to sustain his physical needs.

    i am so very happy to read you have plans to take him to the vet. often vets have emergency slots for situations like this because small critters usually don't survive the day or night when they are as ill as yours. too bad they could not squeeze you guys in. the hamster sounds very bad off.

    you may not be able to get him to eat food. but water is so crucial so make sure you keep that up. it could end up saving him.

    kudos to you for knowing your hammy needs medical help! you are a very good pet owner and you have done all you can. you have done very well to keep him warm and to monitor his water intake!!! keep it up. this is a rare post to read and a good example of what a responsible pet owner should be doing. so you just set an example for others.

    i will pray for your hammy to hang in there....& don't miss that appointment with the vet.

  4. i am very sorry to hear your sad news.

    You can bury him in the garden,put a flower or something to mark where you bury him.

    When you feel sad or angry you can go outside to him and remember all the happy and lovely times you had together.

  5. aw very sorry to hear bout ur hammy. maybe a very tiny piece of cheese would cheer him up?

    maybe hes eaten somethin he shouldnt have. just try n encourage him to have water regularly. and be quite around him so make sure any brothers or sisters arent loud around him as it could cause him stress. leave him be in his cage for now.

    hope he'l be ok xx

  6. I'm sorry I don't have to much experience. But this happened to me a few years ago. I didn't think it was a huge issue and ignored it but a few weeks later my little hamster (snickers) died. I simply thought he was getting older and less active. But yes you should defiantly take him to the vet ASAP. He should be fine until morning. But don't wait around to long :(

    Best of luck!

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