I've had my mouse for a while now.
I posted a question about a tumor also a while back.
She has a tumor,and at one point she was unable to use her back legs. Thankfully shes been able to use them recently.
But shes just been going down from there.
The area around her eyes are red, along with her nose, losing fur on the top of her head, and i have noticed behind one of her shoulders there is a patch of skin where her skin is flaking really bad.
i LOVE animals and HATE to see them in pain.
Shes been eating and drinking fine, but she likes it in the dark.
She doesnt squeak hen you pet her and seems to like ir but I know she has to feel something.
She has also recently gotten another tumor on her underside where her throat is.
What can I do. I know I cant take her to a vet or anything, but it really upsets me to see her like this.