
Sick after drinking alcohol-help please.?

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(this is an old question but it always crosses my mind, my friend took my roomie to the hospital but never told me what happened, this is just so i get my question answered and it doesnt bother me any more, honest answers would be great, thanks!) my roomate was drinking alcohol. she told me she had 8 shots of vodka, 2 shots of tequila, 2 shots of bicardi, and 2 glasses of wine. She feels really sick, she isnt drifting in and out of conciousness but her eyes keep opening and closing, she is really weak, feels nauseous but hasnt thrown up. she is crying because her head hurts so bad. she sometimes gets confused. she claims to be cold but she has a fever. she is shaking a lot. this isnt alcohol poisoning is it? she seems to be doing okay. and if it is alcohol poisoning is there anyway to beat alcohol poisoning without going to the hospital? thanks.




  1. your friend is pregnant. tell her to confess

  2. mixing alcohols is the quickest way to get s*** roaring drunk! it is much smarter to stick to one type of alcohol, even if you change drinks, stick with the same alcohol. it sounds like alcohol poisoning could be at work with your friend. give her some COFFEE! black, just straight coffee. keep her comfortable, an tylenol should help with the fever some. if she thinks that she is cool doing this, let her know that she won't be cool for long, she will be dead. be careful, alcohol is right up there in major killers of people!

  3. shes only dead drunk.let her sleep and dont let her sleep on her back

  4. I had a similar problem ages ago and I ended up heading to hospital, I was just sent home to sleep it off and had to be kept monitored, which ended with a very rough morning.  It's probably due to all the mixing of the shots, if you are drinking stick to one type drink and if you have to the bare minimal intake of shots.  Answer to the poisoning question, it would be best to get anything which resembles alcohol poisoning checked out just in case.

  5. she has Willard's Disease. Its like an allergic reaction to alcohol.

  6. yes ...... don't drink more than 2 drinks per night, spaced out at least an hour apart

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