
Sick and dont know what it is.Flu?

by  |  earlier

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It just started this morning.

this is what is wrong.

-I feel like im going to puke

-really upset stomach


-i need to use the bathroom every 10-20 mins.

-burps that taste like eggs

-farts that stik like eggs

-hot and cold flashes.

Does any one know what it is?

I thought maybe it was something I ate..but my boyfriend ate the same stuff as me and hes fine.

AND. is there anything I can do about the nast egg burps, cause if what ever I have doesnt make me puke the burps will, I cant stand eggs.

Thanks SO much!




  1. Try web md. Go to the hospital.  

  2. Sounds like food poisoning to me which can come from somthing you ate 3 days ago!  The bathroom is a good clue too.  If you almost c**p your pants it's not the flue.  If your skin hurts and mostly around your kidney aren then most likely it is the Flu.  Try sucking on tums or drinking some gingerale.

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