
Sick ball python.?

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I have a young (3 month old) ball python who is only 72 grams... He has been eating GREAT for the last month or so. Anyway..

I fed him a "African Soft Hair" rat for the first time (he usually eats hopper mice)

Today I noticed a foul smell in his cage so I looked and he had regurgitated the rodent and was acting VERY jumpy. Now he has diarrhea . he was fine before this and hasn't been subjected to any new snakes. Is it possible that he just didn't like the soft hair rat?




  1. To be sure take him to the vet.

    He may just not be big enough to eat the rat, but thought he was so reguratated it back out. the rat may have some type of ill ness, depending on where you bought it if it was subjected to air bourn illness your snake may/could still get the ill ness. he may just be jummpy becuse he has been startled by something, it may not have any thing to do with the rat at all.

    i hope you find out soon whats wrong.


  2. Take him to the vet to be sure.

  3. I Had a reticulated python than only ate baby chicks i fed him a rat and had the same problem i wouldn't really worry about it too much the rat may have been to big for him to eat also.

  4. Usually snake regurgitate the food because it is to much for them to digest. If they can't digest it and they don't regurgitate it can kill them. I would take it to the vet he might not have regurgitated it all. Then go down on the size of the food you are giving him, it sounds like its to much for him right now.
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