
Sick notes UK?

by Guest61517  |  earlier

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Can a doctor back date a sick note if they have records that you was sick at the time you want the sick note i.e i have a broken foot and had a sick note which lasted till the 19th june and i have had 1 since for the same reason but i got it abit later coz i had a hospital appoinment and expected to be able to go back to work now i have a letter from the job center sayin i need a sick note from the 19th up to when my current sick note started, will my doctor backdate a sick note if i show her my letter stating that i need 1 to be payed ??




  1. ?

  2. i dont think so its highly unlikely

  3. ???

  4. ?????????????

  5. speak to your doctor

  6. A doctor makes his own rules, he may be persuaded to help if you give him a good reason to do so, that dosent break his hippocratic oath or his own morals and principles.

    Ask and you might get. Dont ask and you wont.
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