
Sick of Racist English?

by  |  earlier

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Someone help I am working with a number of English people in Kerry and I am becoming browned off with the continuous slagging-off of Ireland and the Irish.

The latest rant came from a female member of staff, when she got off the phone to a client she waffled on about how thick the paddies are…. ‘what is it with the Irish and thickness, are the Irish the thickness people in the world, is it me of do Paddies and thickness go hand in hand, for God sake does he not know how to speak the Queens English etc.

I lived in the UK during the 80’s and early 90’s was subjected this racial abuse almost daily but to be subjected to it here in Ireland is crazy. I just wish these moaning Brits get over there superiority complex and shut up and get on with living in Ireland.




  1. my parents were irish - my husband is english - its all a joke you know, do you really take it seriously?

    in the uk now - it is the rest of the world that's being 'racist'(hate that term) to the english - i call my own sisters 'bloody paddies' when they are being stupid! and as for superiority? did you not know we are the same as them? art, liturature - it was the irish rich that sold ireland to the english gentry - they're not that superior

    cheer up

  2. i didn't understand a thing


  3. The English are sick of everybody hating them. If a few get angry and say stupid things can you blame them. Its all swings and roundabouts my friend. Every nation has racists, there is even racism within nations. Its human nature.  

  4. Personally, I'm from Scotland and I love the Irish :)

    The English just hate everyone cos everyone hates them, let's face it!

  5. keep yer bleedin' wig on............

  6. arent irish white? only accent different?

    grow up? how would p**i/indians feel againts english

  7. "I just wish these moaning Brits get over there superiority complex and shut up and get on with living in Ireland."

    Is this supposed to be a question?

    I would just draw your attention to the fact that the UK is inhabited by millions of diverse people all with their own attitudes and beleifs and just because you've had the misfortune to encounter some rude racist idiots does NOT mean that all "British" people are like that.  In fact the mere insinuation that they are is also pretty "racist".

    You get idiots everywhere and it has nothing to do with their nationality.  Just ignore them.  By attacking all "British" people because of the stupidity of a few you're just lowering yourself to their level.

  8. Sean, you should see the masturbatory vehemence with which they go after us Yanks.  

    I've read posts in  Y!A UK & Ireland that actually made me wonder: are they physically ill from being that full of hatred and intolerence for their fellow ENGLISH speaking man?  Surely it's pathological in nature.

    I've never lived in Britain, but have been there countless times.  Never once did I have to apologize for my nationality or feel unsafe moving through those bustling, goods laden streets.  It all seems to have changed after 1995-did something happen I missed?

  9. When you point the finger at someone you have to bear in mind that you are pointing 3 at yourself.

    Have you not just done the same to others to cause offence even if it was unintentional and through frustration? Did it make you feel vindicated or make you feel better? Probably not.

    There is intolerance everywhere you look in life if you choose to look. Just because we are selective about what we choose to offend us does not give us the right to be judgemental because of one person's thoughtless actions.

    If I were you I would approach the female member of staff, ask if you could have a quiet word and explain that her opinion about the Irish makes you feel insulted and could she please be more considerate towards other people. If that fails, approach your HR department and file a complaint - Racial Discrimination is unlawful in the workplace and is treated very seriously.

  10. fair one that

    im english and at times in my life have been an arrogant obnoxious jack ***

    you have totally legitimate reasons to be browned off

    I am sure it is not meant to be full on offensive but when it is over and over it really is

    from my point of view anyway

    sorry. I apologise for the actions of those with the same nationality as me.

  11. There was a time that the English deemed everyone in their colonies to be subhuman once they stole their land and tried to annihilated the people. They are bitter and ornery by nature, and I wouldn't worry about it. They are unattractive, are insignificant to the world, and eat horrible food, of course they hate they Irish because they are the complete opposite.  

  12. I sympathise with you, but what's your question?

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