
Sick of being made a mug ?

by  |  earlier

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i have been seeing this girl for about four months we are just mates , and she always moans about how tight her lad is and that she has no feelings for him anyway when every i have some spare time i spend it with her well now her lad is jealous that she spends more time with me than him ,now she wouldn't even talk to me or answer my text i just feel she has took me for a ride and made a mug out of me is she ?




  1. Maybe she is scared by her boyfriend and just wants to keep him happy, as if she didn't have feelings for him - she would have broken up with him by now. I think she needs you though, as you have been some kind of a rock to her if shes been having troubles with him. Although she's not replying to your texts now, give it time - and she will have an explanation.

  2. i don't think so.

    i personally think its down to her boyfriend telling her what to do and because of her situation in the first place, maybe shes doing what he says to her just so she can stay with him.... there stands a good chance it wont last for long because once the feeling wears off she ill contact you again....i can almost guarantee it.  

  3. It just shows where her loyalty is. Sorry!

  4. WILLBO YOU ARE THE ONE MAKING A MUG OUT OF YOURSELF.Do yourself a favour ,forget about her and move on,or your life is going to be a series of self made c**k ups.

  5. Move on and get a girl who is only interested in you. its never a good idea to get involved with a girl who is a relationship already because no matter how much she moans about him she probably still loves him.

  6. i think she has led you on,based on the info given,

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