
Sick of the election being made about race and gender?

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Are you? cause I know I am. I wish people would stick to talking about the issues instead of obama being black and palin being a woman. WHO CARES?! That is so not the important part of this election. Who ever wins a minority of some kind will have won. Lets focus on the isues instead of being superficial. Anyone agree?




  1. Have always felt that way and still do.

  2. You should blame Obama then, he's the one that started that.

  3. Democrats don't seem to be able to focus in the issues. They just keep making old age jokes, repeating the "change, hope, McCain is another Bush" lines that they've obviously been brainwashed by, and now they're going after Palin's looks and her family. Sick.

  4. That's l00% correct, because at the end of the day, the question is, "Who is going to help us out of this muddle we are in?"  We are so bogged down with cares and worries about the future, that only God can help us.  The average person is scraping the barrel to eat and drive and pay utility bills.  Some luxury stores are going out of business, and people are losing their jobs.  Let me say this--if you are drowning, it wouldn't matter if a blue or green person came to our rescue-- you needed help and got rescued-- and best of all, you lived to tell it--- Toni D.  

  5. Yes

  6. I totally am. And the news media is trying to tell me that I should be PROUD of America for nominating a black man. I should be PROUD that after 250 years we can finally *sort of* look past the color of someone's skin?!?

  7. totally....well i guess thats the purpose to get the people to choose sides.  Take the M of the masses and what do you have???

  8. Those who know the issues want to do this.  Many who are not familiar with all the issues resort to petty things like gender, race, looks, religion and many many other personal things as well as rumors that have nothing to do with qualifying as a candidate and have nothing to do with what they will or will not do for our country..

  9. I am just sick of elections.  Maybe we need a monarchy

  10. Obama and Hillary both started it. Not intentionally but because they both went for what they wanted and because a black and a women did it at the same time. the prejudice and sexists felt nothing more than to stand in their way. With everything going on in the economy and the election coming up people are overly hoping for better or just turning everything into a mountain of mayhem to try to not think of the economy. People need to look beyond the color of skin and the s*x of a person. We are all equal!!! There are bad women and men, bad whites and blacks, good women and men, and good blacks and whites. Lets all just support for the right reasons and not the wrong. So can you tell? Yes, I totally agree with you!!  

  11. You make too much sense ....this is American politics

  12. THAT is what we SHOULD be focused on, NOT color, race, gender, religion, last name, likes cats not dogs, et cetera ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

    TONI D., I think I love you.

    I, like MILLIONS, need a lifeline from a CARING, non-aristocratic President who "has been there" and "feels our pain."

    Dubya and his oilmen butt-buddies can go fvck themselves for all I care. They've gotten all fat-and-happy off of our backs via the gas pump and shady/unregulated mortgages and offshore tax breaks.

    I'll vote for the person who ends that. I'll trust Obama to attempt it. If he fails after 4 years, I'll vote his a$s out and vote for the next hype artist.

    I'm sorry McCain chose Palin, that just shows me that he has a flawed decision-making lack; hey, what if he had tapped Hillary as Veep? Hmmmmm

  13. You know..I don't even think it would be about Race and Gender if it wasn't for the racist sexist people at CNN.  

    When Obama was running they said "Is the world ready for a BLACK president? "

    I mean WTF?  I was insulted ..I'm sure I wasn't the only one. Everyday the news claiming that if Obama doesn't get into office it must mean the entire world is racist ...or at least the majority. It's bull.

    I often wonder if the press actually had a hand in souring me to Obama...its possible...He's become the roomate I just wish would move out.  

  14. The choice of Palin was to attempt and secure Hillary voters, so no I do not agree.

  15. Agreed. Gender or race shouldn't be brought up. We want to know who will lower the gas price,who can bring the economic to the right direction, who will remove HMO (health insurance) and let evevryone afford DR. visit.. we have serius issues to look at. Vote for Obama!!!

  16. YES! I am so sick of this..people are threatening others because they don't agree with them on their political choice. People need to get back to what is important.

    Don't get me's great that a woman can run and it's great that a black man can run..but don't focus on their race or their gender! That isn't what qualifies a person to be President!

  17. YES!

    And I'm really sick of the class envy BS!!!

  18. Yay! I concur.  Unfortunately, because of all this hulabaloo, race and gender ARE a big deal.  I think bigger than they should be, but big none the less.  Anyway the only way to successfully put race and gender behind us is to just get over them.  And that means debating the issues and choosing the candidates on their own merits.  Not on the basis of skin and chromosome makeup.  

    Like you, I fell like shouting "JUST GET OVER IT!!"

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