
Sick pay England UK?

by  |  earlier

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I was on sick pay from the 20th may and didnt relize my sick note ran out on the 19th of june, i got a letter the other day sayin i needed to send them another sick note however i only got this on the 4th and couldnt only get a sick note from the 4th of july i havent heard nothin back from them yet i have sent the sick note from the 4th i was just wondering if any1 knew what would happen to my pay from the 19th to the 4th will i still get paid i havent been paid since my first payment as i didnt know i was supposed to send them another sick note i thought my sick note lasted longer, now i have sent them 1 from the 4th when will i get paid ?? has my claim been cancelled ??




  1. you may need to contact your employer Re; statutory sick pay, as the employer usually pays it.

    to claim for 19th to the 4th, may depend on why you were off sick, but if you have an understanding Doctor you could ask for a covering letter, also you could appeal.

    Good Luck

  2. If your Sick note was backdated to 20th June you will get paid SSP for the period 20th june to today
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