
Sickeningly sweet taste in mouth.?

by Guest59707  |  earlier

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I'm about 9 weeks pregnant and everything I eat or drink leaves a sickeningly sweet taste in my mouth. It only seems to add to my nausea. Has anyone else had this problem? Any ideas on what it could be?




  1. don't fret its normal

  2. I thought I was the only one.  It's really horrible after I have graham crackers, so I don't eat them.  I suppose it is hormones.

  3. It just the hormones, dear. The pregnancy hormones change so much in your body, including the way you taste things. I haven't gotten a sweet taste in my mouth, but what I do get is kinda like the taste that you get when you first wake up in the morning before you brush your teeth. It's pretty bad, and I get it just randomly. I usually try to drink a lot of water when this happens. It might be a psychological thing, but it seems to "wash" it away.


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