
Sicker then sick with Morning Sickness?

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I cant stand another day of violently getting sick... and being sick for hours on end! WHAT CAN I DO?

I know nibbling on bread and stuff before you get out of bed.. but sometimes (most of the time it doesnt work) I will wake up in the middle of the night and have to run to the bathroom and get sick.. then every little bit after that I get sick again!

I dread each morning! I am so sick!




  1. -get up slowly in the morning. avoid sudden movements.

    -eat 5 or 6 small meals a day. never go for long periods without food

    - drink fluids, includin soups, between rather than with meals

    -when you feel nauseated between meals, drink small amounts of apple juice, grape juice or carbonated beverages

    -avoid greasy and fried foods. these include butter, margarine, mayonnaise, bacon, gravies, pie crusts, pastries, fried meat and french fries

    -eat lightly seasoned foods. avoid foods cooked with pepper, chili and garlic

    -when you cook, open windows or use the exhaust fan to get rid of odors

    -be sure to have plenty of fresh air in the room when you sleep

  2. try crackers @ the maternity store they sell these candies that have ginger in them and they are GREAT!!but on a good note... they say the sicker u r the more healthy the baby is.. hope u feel better soon

  3. Oh yes, I'm 29 weeks tomorrow and I'm still like this. Your doctor can prescribe you Promethazine suppositories (I know, nobody likes suppositories, but honestly, THEY HELP!) or possibly Tigan I think it's called, but not 100% positive on the name. Call them up & ask, they'll call the scrip in for you so you can just go pick it up later on. As long as your pregnancy is going normal & healthy it wouldn't be a problem.

  4. i had the same problem,,i could eat NOTHING i was sick all day every day and was losing weight (not good ,,,i was having twins to boot),,,the smell of the toaster made me puke as did the sound of a crackerbag, i didnt go out to eat ever as i didnt always know if i could find or make it to the bathroom.  i was finally put on medications that changed my life,,,the last 2 months i was actually a happy (still cranky) pregnant woman.  talk to your dr,,there is help available for severe sickness.  trust me call your dr/nurse there are new medications tha can help

    the only thing i could keep down was cheap frozen pizza a strawberry milk,,,,not all that healthy.

  5. its all about saltine crackers. they help me so much its not even funny.

  6. Call your doctor's office.  Tell them that how much you are vomitting and that you would like to be seen.  The doctor may prescribe something to help you feel better.

  7. My granddaughter and my co-worker have both had extended morning sickness recently. Your doctor can give you something.  Bread isn't as good as saltines.

    The answer below is wrong about being sick bringing a healthier baby.  Vomiting causes dehydration, which is very bad for you and the baby.

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