
Sickle Cell & Pregnancy?

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I have sickle cell traits and I'm having a hard time maintaining pregnancies. Anybody else have this problem or know someone who has this problem?




  1. .. you really should try to adopt.. it would be horrible if you baby ended up with sickle cell. you should really give adoption some thought

  2. Hope this helps,

    First it depends on how high your percentage is. My percentage is 42%. I am still alive and kicking. My biological father had the trait and passed it on to me. As long as your spouse doesn’t have the trait too it’s an 8 out of 10 possibility that you baby will get full blown sickle cell. Generally, women with sickle cell trait are not at increased risk for problems, however, they may experience frequent urinary tract infections. It is also important to remember that, unlike sickle cell anemia, a woman with sickle cell trait can have iron deficient anemia while pregnant and may need iron supplementation for this reason.  I am currently pregnant and I’m doing fine. My changed my diet and told me to remain active. I’m a juvenile boot camp instructor, a diver, and an AB Seaman. With all the exercise my baby gets you wouldn’t know the difference. I had these same concerns when me and my husband found out we were pregnant, but know were concerned about baby names and whether it’s one or two. Give it another try; also one thing to remember is to eat a lot of red meat. It will help you maintain yourself and provide the extra nutrients you need to support you and your baby.

    Best wishes,

    Newly Wed Jess

  3. u dont need to be preg. if u do that u transmit bad dna s to your baby

  4. Hello.One out of ten African-American parents carries the gene for sickle-cell anemia.Any parents in this group who have previously given birth to an affected infant will surely be concerned about possible recurrence and should be referred to genetic counseling.

    Sickle cell anemia is a heredity condition found mostly in black people.Pregnancy can be hard on women with sickle cell anemia.The anemia becomes more severe,infection is more common,and there are often other problems.There is a much higher than usual incidence of miscarriage,stillbirth,and neonatal death.

    This anemia can be found through lab tests.If a woman is found to have sickle cell anemia,she should be under a doctor's close care.There are drugs which may help the various kinds of anemia,and transfusion of blood or packed red cells is necessary in some cases.

  5. I have never heard of Sickle Cell causing miscarriages but you could be stressed or worrying too much. Just de stress yourself and have your partner help with this by giving you massages and nice talks and walks. Everything will be ok and so will your baby. You have got to put yourself and your pregnancy in the right mood. GOOD LUCK!!!!! :)

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