
Side Effects : Morning After Pill?

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What side effects did you get from taking the morning after pill?

Also did you get your period, sooner, later or the same?

I took the pill 2days ago about 6hours after s*x and i seem to be feeling a little sick, is this a side effect?





  1. I took the morning after pill bout 6 or 7 months ago...I felt fine when i took the first pill but the next day when i took the 2nd pill i felt like absolute shiitt!  I felt really nauseous, i had a bad headache, and i had the worst cramps ever! i had never in my life felt cramps the way i did that day. it was a horrible horrible day and i was never do it again! to me taking that is wrong, just like abortions. im against all that. even the morning after pill your killing the chance or a baby being created. i didnt wanna take it. i only did it cuz my bf was flipping out. but i told him never again, especially after how it made me feel!!! next time we deal with the consequence. i dont wanna go thru that ever again. and as for my period it was early

  2. In the packet instructions it lists a number of side-effects known from the trials they conducted before the drug was released but i have taken it before and i know a couple of my friends have taken it as well and i have never heard them complain of feeling sick and i never felt sick either. but then again our bodies function differently compare to other people so i wouldnt look past it as a side effect.

    But it is a fairly effective drug and it does what it says. In terms of having your period also depends on your individual menstrual cycle and the pill has no influence on that. if your period is regular then you should get it by next month or so.

    You should also be aware that it is not advisable to take the emergency pill too regularly..ideally it should be taken maybe once a year or even once every 6 months but realistically we both know that it sounds impossible.

    The pill has a very strong dose of medicines which basically stops the ovaries from releasing an egg to be fertilised into a baby...they would not put this in the instruction packet because they want you to be using it to make money...but what eventually would happen if you keep taking the emergency pill too often is that, it might block your ovaries from releasing an egg permanently and you might find it difficult to get pregnant later on in the years to come. when i found this out from the doctor i was horrified that they would let people take this drug occassionally.

    so try to use protection like a condom whenever you have s*x and try to avoid vigorous s*x where the condom might slip or even is only 97% effective so the better it is fitted on the p***s then the more protection you have. Also try using female condoms for more protection(it is a small cap you fit into your v****a to collect any sperm that might be released during the sexual intercourse). Find any sexual Health clinics around your area( to get it for free or you can buy some from any pharmacy.

    Take care and be safe.

  3. I'm using my boyfriend address but I assure you I am a woman. Don't throw up! If you are going to be sick swallow it. Sickness is a common side effect but there is a period of time that it is not safe to vomit so check the box. You may bleed after taking the pill this is also common so don't worry about it. The pill can cause a slight amount of bleeding or can promote a full period.

  4. Yes, the morning after pill (Plan B) should be taken with food, because it can cause it upset stomach... also if you took them both at the same time, which is possible to do, it would be tougher on the stomach...

    I don't remember getting any other side effects personally, but everyone's body reacts differently to meds.

    I always read the patient information sheet that comes with medications, just to know what problems I could expect, and be thankful if nothing or little happens... but then again, I work at a pharmacy, so that may be why I do that... It's still a smart thing to do...

    Also, you say you are feeling a bit sick... What are your symptoms?

    If they are occuring now, 2 days after taking Plan B, you might actually be catching something (not pill related)...

    Call the Pharmacy you got the medication from, and speak to the Pharmacist about your symptoms... They are very knowledgeable and have calmed my doubts on more than one occasion...

    Good Luck, hon, and hope you feel better soon...

  5. sorry...non  lo so...ciauuuuuu XDXD

  6. my first g.f took it once and and up passing out 2 or 3 times day she took it and had period early

  7. yes, I feel sick when I take the morning after pill. Well, I have... The new ones are meant to be better! But as for the period, I didnt have any changes...

    Its the contraceptive pill times 10

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