
Side-Out...what's it mean?

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Side-Out...what's it mean?




  1. Either "your ball" in side out scoring or "your point" in rally scoring.  This is a simplified answer, as usually a referee will not call side out during rally scoring.

  2. Side out = serve that either goes out or when the other team receives that point

  3. to get a point off a serve receive

  4. A Side-Out is when your team wins a point that the other team served.

    Even though the new rules do away with Side-Out scoring, we still call this a Side-Out. However, now you receive a point, rotate, and begin serving.

    Until the rule changes came about in the late 90s, You could only receive a point when you served. Scoring a Side-Out only meant that your team got a chance to rotate and serve.

  5. When the team that is not serving wins the volley, they get the ball back and serve.  That is a side-out.

    EDIT:  This is really only valid in matches played with "side-out scoring" (when only the team that is serving can earn a point).  In "rally scoring" (when a point is won on every volley, even if the team that wins was not serving), there is no side-out because the team that wins the volley wins a point, not the serve.

    EDIT:  To clarify, no points are awarded to either team on a side-out.  In side-out scoring, if the serving team wins the volley, they get a point and serve again.  If the non-serving team wins the volley, they do not get a point, but they now get to serve, so if they win the next volley, too, they will get a point.  This is why games that use side-out scoring can take so long - it is possible for the teams to go for several volleys just trading the serve back and forth without anyone actually scoring a point.

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