
Side aches?

by Guest11114  |  earlier

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I love to run. i dont know i just get in the mood and i just wanna run forever.... the problem? i get side aches. i cnat stop it. my legs and mind dont ever wanna stop but my stomach keeps saying no. i stop and hang for a sec then try again.. but it just starts agan. is there anything i can do? i just started running. i wanna be a soccar player, but i know i cant unless i fix this problem. any ideas?

do i just need to keep runnintg and then it will eventually go away?

i wanna be able to run miles and stuff all summer. so that i can start soccar in th fall or sumthing.





  1. I had the same problem! I asked my friend becasue she is a doctor, and she said to breathe in the nose and out the mouth and keep a steady pattern. It helped!

  2. you either need to drink more water

    or your drinking to much water before you run

    if you get another ache lift your hands above your head and stretch it out

  3. I know this looks long but please read all of it because it will help!

    I have been running for 11 years now and I used to get side aches. Side aches are essentially cramps in you ab muscles. The best way to get rid of them is to stretch. Now the tricky part is how to stretch them. Believe it or not 5-10 crunches before your run can help. If that doesn't work try this. I learned it from my high school cross country coach who took a Yoga class. It is called the upward dog.

    Lay on your stomach and push your upper body up with your hands keeping your pelvis on the ground. You should feel the stretch. Yes, I know it looks silly but it works!!!

    Hope this helps.
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