
Side effects of Adderall?

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I just became diagnosed with adult ADD. My doc prescribed Adderall for me. Are there any side effects or is it a really good drug for people with add?




  1. My daughter tried ADDeral and it was a BIG MISTAKE.

    She was hyper and running around and completely out of control. at least we did it on a Sunday so we could control it and it was short acting (four hours).

    I prefer Concerta

  2. goto web md.

    drugs that your child or yourself are addictive.

    They are narcotic like cocaine, crack, heroin.

    Please seek other help then drugs!

  3. I have a cousin who has ADHD and my brother has ADD.  My cousin takes adderall and it seems to work really well for her, however sometimes it makes her very angry and slightly depressed. Overtime she got use to it though and learned to cope with it. My brother also use to take it, but it made him very tired and sad all the time, but that was because it was too strong for him. Im not sure of the other side effects, but those are some i know of.

    Hope i helped :D

  4. Adderall is dextroamphetamine, which is meth without a methyl group.  It is a stimulant, and it gives people who have a hard time concentrating the power to concentrate and focus.  Some people do very well on it, and some have to discontinue due to side effects (insomnia, jitteriness, anorexia with weight loss, etc).  If taken as prescribed, it is relatively safe.

    Try it, and see how you do.  If you have too many side effects, get something else from your doctor.  If you are taking the extended release form (XR), don't chew or break the tablets, because this will release a high dose all at once, and increase the chance of side effects.


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