
Side effects of cocaine?

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no no no.

i do not do cocaine and never plan on doing it.

i have friends that do cocaine/crack.

i was wondering what the side effects are (not health wise, high wise)




  1. Your question is about the effects of cocaine, not the side effects.

    Cocaine is not speed. Misinformation leads to bad decisions.

    The high from coke can be described as causing paranoid, unrestrained behavior. It reduces inhibition, makes you feel invincible, and causes restlessness. The website below has a world of information on cocaine (and every other drug in existance). It has documents that describe its effects, both from a medical perspective as well as personal experiences.

  2. I strongly discourage it . It wears away the lining of the upper nasal cavity cartilage ,

    Good Luck...

  3. cocaine is speed. the person is going to be very high energy, talk a mile a minute. tell the same story several times. you'll never be able to get a word in edge wise. excitable, if they've been up for 2-3 days they will become paranoid.  

  4. If you mean by what a person does when he is high off of cocaine he usually is hallucinating or seems paranoid as if everyone is out to get him. The best thing to do if you see your friend like this is to talk slowly and softly and assure him your a friend and your going to help him.

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