
Side effects of progesterone suppositories?

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I'm new here...32, been ttc for 18 months. Initally coming off BCPs I wasn't ovulating so I did 6 months of Clomid, each month the side effects built up and the 6th month I felt down right crazy. So I decided to go off of those and luckily have been ovulating on my own. DH and I have been through the fertility tests (ultra sound, seman profile, & HSG) and been diagnosed with unexplained fertility.

We aren't ready for IUI or IVF yet. My doctor wants me to try vaginal suppositories this cycle because of a shortened lutuel phase (11-12 days). From what I've read one of the side effects is depression and I'm concerned about that...can you ladies who've tried these let me know how it went for you?

Thank you & good luck to everyone!




  1. I used progesterone suppositories 3 times a day after an IUI cycle and then again after a successful IVF cycle and well into my first trimester.

    I did NOT experience depression - but I did experience some abdominal pressure, bloating and occassional headaches.  Progesterone slows your digestion and can mimic a lot of PMS symptoms so if you experience depression as part of PMS it might be something to be aware of . . . but it wasn't too bad for me.

    Another thing to know about the suppositories are that they are messy!  Be sure to wear a panty-shield / pad and know that the leakage is normal . . . you are getting more than enough of the med absorbed into your body despite the leakage.

    Good luck & baby dust!

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