
Side effects of the Pill?????

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Dr. wants to put me on the pill because of irregular and annoying periods, but i'm scared of the side affects....are they actually a threat?




  1. Many of them aren't so much of a threat.  As with any medication, there is the chance that you'll experience a side effect and of course (once again with any sort of medication) there are many more serious side effects which you may encounter.

    Usually, 'normal' side effects that you'll feel may/may not include:






    -breast tenderness

    -spotting between periods

    These side effects will usually go away/become less prominent as your body gets adjusted to the pill and not making its own hormones.

    There are more serious side effects in which I have suffered through (such as possible blood clot doctor became super nervous when I told him what I was experiencing but couldn't find anything but he had told me that that didn't mean that they weren't trying to form, trouble breathing, severe depression, vaginal dryness and a killed s*x drive) so make sure that you read the pamphlet that comes with your pill and talk to your doctor about everything.  I suggest keeping a daily journal about how you are feeling/your emotions, etc. as this can help determine if this particular pill is wrong/right for you. (I'm sounding like a commercial! haha).  Also remember that if one prescription doesn't react well with your body, there are MANY more to choose from.  I am on my 5th prescription within a years time and hoping that this one may be right for me (going into my third month on it).

  2. See another doctor.  Mine did the same thing.  I was on birth control for 5 years and had to be taken off of it mostly because it caused so many cysts on my ovaries that I ended up in the hospital in terrible pain when one of the cysts grew too big and wouldn't burst (they gave me a total of 8 CCs of Morphine, 2 Percasets, 2 Loratabs, and a shot of Toridol over a span of 6 hours and none of it was enough to numb the pain enough to let me sleep..  Finally, a Vicadin did it, but I think it was more because I had been awake for almost 38 hours straight).

    After 5 years it wasn't even working as well anymore and my periods were lasting a week and a half while on the pill - your body eventually grows immune to it.  

    I've been off the pill for about a year and a half now and have only had 2 periods which is putting me at severe risk for Ovarian Cancer.  I have depression, TERRIBLE anxiety problems, and facial hair.  If you look it up, these are all side effects of birth control.

  3. If they were serious, do you think so many women world wide would use them?

    They're perfectly safe, just take a while to get used to.

  4. some pills have good side effects, for example is a medicine cures a particular disease but it's side effect is whitening of the skin ..... also there are pills that have bad side effects.. but i think the pill that your dr. recommended is safe because it undergoes a test so don't be scared...  


  5. The side effects are relatively mild.  For most women there is some weight gain but you can just exercise a little more to combat that.  Now, here's where it gets a little tricky.  Not every pill is for every woman.  You may have some side effects that you can't deal with like nausea, digestive problems, mood fluctuations, migraines, cramps, etc.  If that happens just switch the type of pill you are taking.  There are low estrogen, higher estrogen, in the middle.  You may have to try a couple before you find the right one.  The side effects aren't so bad that you can't live normally, even the bad ones.  They are more or less just there.  It's not as bad as you think.

    *As for immoral, it's not.  I was on birth control before I even though about s*x.  My periods were extremely irregular (I had them 2 times a month sometimes) and very painful (I had prescription pain killers). Taking birth control doesn't mean that you have to have s*x.  It makes s*x safe, sure but that's not the only reason why women take it. It's about what s best for you.  If it will help your periods become regular you should take it.

  6. I never had any bad side effects from being on the pill. The only problem I had was remembering to take them. It was great for me. I no longer had horrible cramps, I only had my period for 3 days. Before I went on the pill it was 2 weeks of h**l.  

  7. Please reconsider , and have another doctor's opinion .

    You are only fifteen , and your body is still growing . These pills are not something to take lightly . Women who are older encounter severe side affects led alone someone your age . All medications have an impact on your body that is not to be taken lightly . Some doctor's will prescribe  birth control pills to young girls to help with (breakouts ) - shame on them

    I have been in the medical profession for quite a while , and would suggest you find out the where the problem of irregularity stems from with you . If otherwise your tests prove to be good , it might be these are simply changes of growing .  

  8. Yes the side effects can be very threatening,  go on line and read the side effects.  Breast cancer is a big one, tumors in your liver or kidneys etc.  Dr's today push the pill to easily.  Have a blood test for thyroid function, you may have a sluggish thyroid. I would stay away from the pill, I had problems, my cousin had a liver tumor, and my young niece she took the pill at sixteen to regulate periods and ended up with breast cancer at the age of 24.  I recommend get tested for thyroid, or tolerate the irregular periods.  Listen to your mom, she knows best!

  9. Headaches, you can put on weight, your b***s grow, it makes your period lighter, regular and usually less painful.

    If they were a threat then why do thousands of women use it as contraception?

    And the side effects only affect certain people not everyone is affected by them. The only i was affected by was my b***s growing which to me was a god send cause they were tiny! lol

  10. It puts you at higher risk for breast cancer, but i dont think much higher. It could make you gain weight and make your b***s bigger.  

  11. It depends on what kind of birth control you get and how your body reacts to it. Some peoples b***s grow, some people gain water weight, some people lose weight, and for some it clears acne too.

  12. I was on the pill for 2 years, and I didn't see any major side effects. I did have really nice skin!

    But, I also have a friend who's mom had a stroke from the pill.

    There are risks with every medication, but if you gotta do it, you gotta do it.

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