
Side impact crash not as bad as head on crash?

by  |  earlier

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I was on the freeway, right after paying my vehicle inspection going to get my vehicle registration, I look up and the cars were all stopped in traffic ahead of me, I was going like 60MPH and there was only 15-20 feet to go, I was in middle lane and violently swerved to avoid hitting the car in front of me and I slammed into the median concrete barrier. Amazingly, afterwards the car still kept driving and I pulled into a jack in the box got out and was stunned to see there was only some paint scratches on the side and a slightly bent rim. I guess that in a head on crash 100% of force in absorbed but with a side impact maybe only like 30% absorbed since car still goes forward?




  1. You were not paying enough attention and most likely following too closely to not have enough room to stop safely.    Please learn from this and not allow it to happen again.

  2. You are lucky that nothing else happened, be careful.

  3. Hello, it appears that after getting your vehicle registered, you were not paying attention to your driving and you were lucky not to rear end the car in front of you and as just rubbing the side of your car against the side rail of the freeway, it shows  that , again, you were  very lucky, maybe next time you will be more careful while you drive and not find out what a head on collision damage can cause, because it could cost your life to find out the difference between side and head on damage to a vehicle....

  4. one that is a hit and run, two you should not be driving  if you cant pay attention to what you are doing.  angles of crashes are what is important.  My friend was killed in a side impact crash the other driver was only going about 25mph the reason it was so bad is because the body was not made to take an impact like that and it basically rips your heart out.  I was in a rear end crash someone hit me they were going about 25 mph 2 years ago and my neck is still messed up.  so your accident was not a side impact you glanced the median that is why your accident was not that bad

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