
Sides to go with a beer chicken?

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My in-laws are coming over to our house this weekend, and my husband and I are planning to cook one of our favorites...Beer Chicken on the grill....anyone have any ideas for sides?? I was thinking maybe a corn casserole or pasta salad beans??? i need some delicious recipe...

Please don't just google something....I want recipes that you've tried personally...Thanks!




  1. mashed potatoes!!! or why not make grilled veggies? All you need to do is put a pan on the grill (or make one with foil and cover up) and fill with mixed veggies (zuchhini, summer squash, mushrooms, onions, etc) and drizzle with olive oil and your favorite season. You can even add potatoes.  

  2. Consider whisky duck!

  3. Funny you ask, this coming weekend is our annual beer can chicken bucket party!  (The drinks are served in kids sand pails).  So, it is potluck so we are having a lot of things with it.  We always have cheesy potatoes (but baked would do).  How about veggies on a skewer like a veggie kebab with mushrooms, green peppers, onion, zucchini, little potatoes.  I just boils the tiny potatoes until almost done, I do boil the mushrooms just a minute or two.  Then, put them all on a skewer.  You can marinate them in olive oil with some seasonings.  Yum!  A slice of garlic toast would be good, too!  Maybe a salad on the side.

  4. I agree, mashed potatos are always good. Or something like roasted potatos with rosemary!

    If you were looking for something different though, try cornbread (foodnetwork has GREAT recipes) and a light salad.

    My favorite veggies salad is purple onions, tomatos, chick peas and cucumbers. Just chop all of them up, add some basil, light olive oil and a splash of red wine vinegar. It has tons of flavor and is pretty good for you :)

  5. Fruit salad (hollow out 1/2 watermelon and refill with cubed melon, berries & pineapple - garnish with sliced starfruit & fresh mint) ......

    Fresh green salad with Balsamic Vignarette dressing


    2 lbs. frozen has browns, thawed

    8 oz. sour cream

    1 cans cream of potato or mushroom soup

    8 oz. shredded cheddar cheese

    1 onion chopped

    Parmesan cheese

    Mix together first 5 ingredients.  Pour into buttered casserole dish and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.  Bake at 300 for 1-1/2 hors ... Serves about 8-10 ...... YUMMY!


    1 large container Cool Whip

    1 6-oz can frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed

    1 can Eagle Brand sweetened, condensed milk

    1 9" graham cracker crust

    Mix first 3 ingredients together well and put into crust.  Can dollop with Cool Whip on top, if you want.  Chill at least 4 hours....  You can substitute pink lemonade or limeade.  If you need more pies, make several flavors.  The storebought crusts have a plastic insert that flip over the filled crusts, so you can stack them in the refrigerator

  6. The grilled veggies from above is wonderful we do it all the time with just the squash and onions with butter wrapped in foil.. Also grilled corn on the cob is good, and potatoe salad.  we do potatoe salad with red potatoes with the skin still on them. Boil you potatos and add mayo, mustard, onions, chives, and a dash of pickle relish.  Really good or fried potatos are good.  

  7. My grandma always makes this amazing cornbread casserole. Its really easy, you just make your cornbread mix and dump a can of cream corn in it! its amazing!

    Also you could get whole corn stocks and grill them, that's good too.

    You could do baked beans, potato salad, or how about dirty, or red rice!  

  8. baked beans, cole slaw

  9. sweet potatoes.

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