
Sign language for babys?

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in the future when i have kids id like to teach them basic sign language, you know like eat, more, sleep, stuff like that when their like 1, but im afarid it may cause them to be slow when it comes to speaking when they get older, do you guys know how it works excatly?




  1. You should teach them sign language pre-speaking.  It will enhance their intelligence and they will actually talk sooner.


  2. I use sign with my children, start at about 6 months, my 1 year old was using then herself effectively by 8 months, none of my children are speech delayed, you talk when you sign, not just sign, say eat, sign eat, say play, sign play, say more, sign more, lol no pun intended. Children have only a handful of words at a year, my daughter signs 20 words, and can communicate what she wants and needs, if i hadn't taught her, she would be screaming at me in the middle of the night, wanting a hug, while i keep giving her drinks, blankets, bears, new diapers, and exhausting us both, Instead she gets up says mom, and signs what she wants, and goes back to bed, its great, we're working on dog and cat now :)

  3. I've decided not to teach my daughter sign language but my aunt taught all 3 of her children who picked it up and used it frequently! She loved that they were able to communicate with her before they could talk! She simply taught her children from her knowledge of the language. The only reason why I have chosen not to teach my little one is that all 3 of her children spoke late. Her youngest is 2 1/2 and is just now getting to his words. Her first 2 were also late but are now 7 and 4 and speak just fine!

    I know some people disagree with my choice and I honestly do believe that babies who sign are great! I'm just passing on this experience of what one single family's outcome was!

    Good Luck!

  4. My nan has just finished a course on signing for children, as shes works in a nursery, but children who are taught english as their first language, will not need to learn sign language, it is only used on deaf or children that cannot speak good english.

    P.s. you can get books and dvds on signing for children.

  5. It is up to you, my son knew please and eat and when I taught him those Signs I always said them out loud as well. But those 2 words took forever before he would finally say them.

    He knew them he just decided the sign was sufficient.

    So it is up to you on how many you want to teach.

  6. Babies will respond to sign lanuage but its not likely that they will be able to use it at only 1 year of age. For instance, if you rub your tummy they might understand that you are asking them if they are hungry, but it is unlikely they will rub thier tummy when they need to tell you that they are hungry.

  7. it won't make them slow, but it will give them a good head start in the many ways to communicate.

    this is a great idea and once a person becomes fluent in sign language, the possibilities are endless.

    good for you for thinking ahead.

  8. Don't listen to the first poster. Baby signs is a great way to help babies communicate. I used to teach a baby signs class  and have seen kids as young as 7 months respond to sign language. It can cause them to speak aloud later on, but doesn't mean they are developmentally delayed, it just means that since they already already know how to communicate, they don't feel a need to find a new way. When they do begin to speak, they will be right on track with the other kids. If you want your child to be the first talker on the block, maybe signing isn't for you, but in the long run, they won't be any less of a talker.

    It is a great way to communicate with your baby before he can talk and will lead to less tantrums because he will know how to tell you what he needs.

    You can buy books at Borders or on Amazon about it.

    Good luck!

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