
Sign of Blood Clot?Emergency!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ive noticed this lump in my arm for the past 2 weeks. I thought it would go away but hasnt. The first odd sign was when my left arm,which is where the lump is, suddenly became swollen(the vein areas) and felt weak and numb. Now Im unusually tired, weak, shaky, even though Ive had a good amount of sleep and eat porportionally.

Should I go to the ER/Doc?

Im prepared to go tonight if I have 2.




  1. can you palpate the lump? does it hurt? could be lymph node clogged.

    you might want to call your doctor, or head out to the clinic. better safe than sorry. is it possible to dial a doctor at the hospitals to get advice? do you have that where you are?. I would have gone in a lot sooner then again we do have it a tad easier here even though we do have a shortage of doctors.

  2. For GOD SAKE go to the ER room.  If in fact it is a blood clot you do not want it to move to the heart or brain.  Do not take a chance

  3. if your this worried go! if anything atleast to easy your mind.

    Good luck  

  4. This maybe a lymph node, a sign of infection - although you do not say exactly where it is located on your arm. Since it has been there for two weeks and you are not feeling well do see your doctor ASAP. I do not think you need the ER - that is up to you - but DR tomorrow.

  5. I would go.

  6. if you feel worse go to the er tonight

    if you don't call the doctor tomorrow, it sounds like a cyst, they can remove it or give you meds but deffenitly call your doctor tomorrow! don't worry!

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