
Sign of strength or weakness? ?

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The great philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russel wrote about ideas in the early part of his life that he rejected in the latter part of his life. do u see this as a sign of weakness or a sign of strength in Russell? do u speculate that ur present ideas about the world around u will change as you learn and experience more, or do u speculate that further knowledge and experience will solidify ur present understanding?




  1. Sometimes, in life, it is necessary to change your mind, in order to show you have a mind...

    This is certainly not weakness, I personally do not think that my future is going to be one of introspection, about any aspect of my beliefs, I already know that time brings change, and change, is life.....

    I actually own a number of ( first editions ), copies of Berties signed biographies, ( and his "Letters to Bertrand" ), and therefore know his mind quite well, the change in his beliefs was a result of long term reasoning, which results from simply living, it is neither weakness in his reasoning, or strength, but simply, an acknowledgement, that he was wrong, and prepared to say so, an admission few young people make, even to themselves, Stephen Hawking recently admitted as much, when he said that much of what he had said on the subject of gravity, was wrong....

    P.S. your spelling is atrocious, but at least you had the decency to admit it, when you amended the second spelling of Russell, so perhaps there is hope for you, yet.....

  2. A sign of strength.  The "stay the course" method of moving through life while ignoring new information that might go against your original thoughts is foolish.  With new information new opinions can be formed.  Many go through life only seeking re-enforcement for the beliefs they already believe to be true.This is easily accomplished by watching the brand of network news that agrees with your viewpoint and only speaking with those who also share your ideas.  For example...if you believed you could walk through brick walls but were in fact unable to when attempted would you rethink your opinion or continue smashing your head against the wall? This way of thinking leads to ignorance, intolerance, and sadly in recent years...the Presidency.

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